Same day appointments only!!!
Same day appointments only!!!
Same day appointments only!!!
Same day appointments only!!!
Same day appointments only!!!
Same day appointnents only!!!
Same day appointments only!!!
❤Quaint Quiet Sanitized Clean Ambiant Location
❤Unscented Oil
❤Quiet light jazz music as you relax
❤Unrushed relaxing Massage
❤Clean linens
❤plenty of free adequate parking available for your convience
❤..Refined...Mature...respectful ....Decent indivuduals......only
❤No Restricted Callers
❤No Text Messages Accepted
❤No innapropriate Questions!! Or durragotory comments/ No Questions about Services !!
❤ Do not contact my advertisement if you have no intention on booking an appointment
❤ you must book 1 hour in advance mandatory no exceptions
❤ call from your own phone only no apps or unavailable numbers
❤ looking forward to meeting you
Same day appointments only
Same day appointments only
Same day appointments only
Same day appointments only
Same day appointments only
- Post ID : 22613340
- Poster's age : 30
- Mobile : 6782137161
- City : Jersey Shore
- Address : Mins from brick